Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The final turnaround.  He's sort of a serial killer, definitely a creepy looking guy.  He's wearing a mask with Kevlar nailed to it and a Kevlar duster with multiple layers.  He gets shot a lot.  The left eye is supposed to look more sad while the right is angry representing his mixed feelings.  

Monday, July 9, 2012

Another good ol' turn around.  I wanted to throw a character in the mix to keep anatomy in mind during all this weird perspective practice.  Anyways here's the line, I'm going to start coloring soon.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

   The village in a gorge of violet hued rock.  Little metal is used since they want to keep the structures as light as they can.  They are held up by a mass of supports all going different directions and tied together so each one supports another making them surprisingly sturdy.  Needless to say fire is avoided.