Saturday, February 25, 2012

This is my final line drawing for my walking city.  I traced over my pencil drawing which was on tabloid paper with two 9.6 x 8.5 sheets of tracing paper and a size 1 micron.  I might have to go over some of the lines toward the middle in Photoshop but other than that I'd say it's a pretty effective technique if you want to do a traditional drawing.  I left some parts blank because their either going to be covered in dust from the desert or I planned on copying a part of my drawing and sliding it into place.  The legs in the back ground are going to be more hinted at in atmospheric perspective to really make this thing look big. Now I just gotta paint it.

Friday, February 24, 2012

This weekend is turning out to be my busiest work wise so far.  I'm working on the most labor intensive piece I've decided to do so far for Advanced Illustration and a 5 panel comic page for Digital Illustration 2.  The piece for Advanced Illustration is a giant 6-legged machine with a city on its back.  Im working it 17x9.6.  Just the pencil drawing took 6 hours to do not including preliminary sketching.  The comic page takes you through the hunt of an amazon.  Im trying out new brushes and so far am getting pretty good results.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Here's an update on my redesigned Tog.  He has definitely retained his girth, but looks a lot more intimidating and creepy now.  I'll put up a colored one soon.